Luke Srama, giving back to the community (photo supplied)

There’s a lot of doom and gloom in rugby league right now with uncertainty amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a sign of goodwill, a former rugby league player is looking to make a difference to help struggling rugby league clubs.

Luke Srama, Philippines international and brother to former Gold Coast Titan Matt, is offering free advertising or promoting promotion posters for clubs as part of giving back to the community.

“Rugby league has given myself a lot of experiences, connections and friendships globally.”, said Srama.

Having been through some tough times during his playing career, Srama feels giving back is the best way to contribute.

“I say and promote to the players I coach and with everyone I’m in contact with Srama Rugby League Recruitment, treat others how you want to be treated so hopefully something so little can assist in anyways for clubs during these tough times for the game and life in general.”

“I am passionate about the game and helping others. Hopefully everyone in the rugby league world can get out the other side intact.”

Luke’s motto is simple.

“Happy Days turn a negative into a positive, keep in the grind #livelifelikearugbyleaguegame“.

It hurts Srama that the game he lives and breathes is going through the biggest challenge ever faced.

“Obviously it’s upsetting and affecting not only myself but everyone in the game from the bottom up.”

“One minute I’m the busiest man in rugby league world online and in person. Next minute I’m at the footy oval kicking and passing the ball to myself and the goal posts”, Srama laughs.

“It’s tough times as I’m a coach, player, recruitment, mentor, and involved in rugby league development. Everything with SRLR in rugby league.”

He acknowledges there’s more to life, than rugby league.

“Everyday life is more important during these times as a father, partner, son and keeping everyone safe.”

Srama is hopeful that rugby league can survive the pandemic and come back bigger and stronger.

“Exposure and money is what held the game back globally, so a positive that we’re on the same level as all sports at the moment.”

“A positive is with competitions cancelled, it gives time to work on skills and coaching with juniors. Work on defence, break down the game again away from wrestle and all nations close together.”

“There’s always positives, we lost some nations and gained some nations with rugby league during the War so all keeping positive and we’ll get through it all but main focus is everyone keeping safe”.

More details

Srama Rugby League Recruitment Facebook –

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