The fake news that’s actually fake.

Wests Tigers coach Ivan Cleary has a novel solution for his team’s horror start to 2018….make a playing comeback.

Cleary will captain-coach the Tigers during the first six rounds against the Sydney Roosters, Mel00bourne (in Melbourne and Auckland), Brisbane, Parramatta and Manly.

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“Nobody gives us a chance in the first six games, so may as well put the boots back on, really lead by example and back up all that ‘on the bus’ nonsense,” said Cleary.

Cleary played 186 games at fullback from 1992-2002 for Manly, North Sydney, Sydney City Roosters and NZ Warriors, scoring over 500 goals and 1300 points.

“I’ve been practicing my sidesteps, bomb catching and goalkicking with Nathan over summer. Every Tigers try will be worth six points. Could be vital in a close game.”

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Cleary’s open to continuing beyond round six.

“I’m trying to help the boys out during a tough period, but if I do well and we get a few wins, I’ll keep going. With any luck, I can lead the Tigers to another premiership.”

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Cleary’s comeback has inspired Allan Langer to return for the Brisbane Broncos. “We’ve been struggling to fill the halves since Ben Hunt left, so I told Benny (coach Wayne Bennett) I’d fill in and thread the old grubber kicks again. I’m on the field all the time as Broncos trainer anyway, so it makes sense.”

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The Forward Pass is a fictional and deliberately ridiculous look at the NRL. References to real people is for satirical purposes only. Check it out on Twitter @thefwdpass


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