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The Huddersfield Giants have been the most dominating team in the 2020 Super League with three unbeaten at the beginning of this yearโ€™s opening fixtures. The upset victory over champions St Helens demonstrated they are up to the task. Nonetheless, the Top 100 bookmakers are ranking Huddersfield among the favourites for this seasonโ€™s Super League title.

With the return of Jordan Turner, who has been nursing a minor injury, the team hopes to hold its position intact throughout the season. However, the absence of Darnell Mclntosh โ€“ whoโ€™s out an injury โ€“ is a blow to the giants. Going on, the team has upper hand in retrospect to have a couple of smart halves and a hard-working pack that coordinate well, according to Coach Lam.

Aidan Sezer, the teamโ€™s organising half is an ingredient in the Giantโ€™s backbone. He has the support of his teammates, and that makes the halves even stronger to battle the coming matches in the remaining part of the 2020 Super League. 

Reduced Hope

March 1st left the Giants dusting themselves up after losing to Wigan at John Smithโ€™s Stadium. The Warriors did not even allow them to edge arm-wrestle. Their initial unbeaten momentum in the 2020 Super League came to a sudden halt. Huddersfield had taken the lead 10-4 towards the end of the first half, but Aidan Sezer got a yellow card, and the Giants were disabled. After that, the warriors scooped 20 unanswered points in both halves. 

โ€œIt was a hard time on our side given that we had lost Aidan, but we could have done better even with one man down,โ€ comments Simmon Woolford (the coach). โ€œIt has hit us pretty hard given the start we made at the beginning of the season.โ€

According to Woolford, the team has a lot to do regarding pulling up the socks given that two of the teamโ€™s player will not be plating for a while. He hopes to do his best to gather enough force to make up for the loss in the forthcoming matches. The team is also, at a chance to make it to the finals since it is still early moments of the league and they havenโ€™t lost many games.


The current Super League ranking still positions the Giants among the top-performing teams despite a competitive environment. That gives the team a chance to climb up the league if they make worth counter-efforts. After their fullback has been left wanting after Sezerโ€™s yellow card while playing against Wigan and the absence of Darnell Mclntosh, the team is left to weigh its strength for the upcoming matches.

Huddersfieldโ€™s rivals the โ€œwarriorsโ€ are now ahead after scooping four wins in the early stage of the Super League giving the Giants I big lump to swallow. They hope to again call upon the services of Darnell as soon as he recovers from injury. The 21-man squad is expected to gain strength with the return of the half coordinator.

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Matt Pritchard
Administrator and Editor of NothingButLeague. Penrith Panthers Member 13120. Email: mattp@nothingbutleague.com.


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