1. Ten part-time officials sacked by the ARL

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On Thursday night the death knell came down on at least ten part-time referee’s after Peter V’landys decision to return to one on-field referee for the remainder of 2020.

This is set to become a messy situation for the game with the referee’s set to take this to Fair Work Australia for a breach of their Enterprise Bargaining agreement. All indications are suggesting that the referees were not consulted in the decision making. The lack of consultation has plagued the NRL with players and broadcasters having their fair share of problems with the season reboot.

There are very few happy about the change whether they are fans, players or coaches. Wayne Bennett and Phil Gould appear to be those in the minority who think the right call was made.

An excellent article was written by respected Fairfax sports writer Andrew Webster put the decision by HQ into perspective.

“When I became chairman, I said I would listen to the fans,” V’landys declared after Wednesday night’s momentous commission meeting. “Last year, we conducted a fan survey and the overwhelming majority of fans said they wanted to go back to one referee and their views should be taken on board.”

That remark confused quite a few people inside the NRL, including referees, because they had never heard of this compelling new data.

There was suspicion as to whether it actually existed, which says a lot about the culture at League Central right now. Another suggestion was that it came out of a reader survey in The Daily Telegraph.

The poll came off the back of last year’s grand final, when referee Ben Cummins signalled Canberra had six more tackles but then backflipped, leaving poor old five-eighth Jack Wighton tackled on the last.

To read the full story go to: https://www.smh.com.au/sport/nrl/the-flimsy-fan-survey-that-prompted-v-landys-monumental-one-ref-edict-20200514-p54szb.html

In my column last week I warned of the lack of accountability that was set to come our way in 2020 with the reduced referee resources. Fans, you have been warned! We are in for a rocky season.

This stand-off will trouble the game this coming week.

At the same meeting a rule change was made to allow a six again call for any ruck infringements. My initial thoughts are that the game will create more controversy for itself with inconsistency and that games could be decided by a rash call. I’m sure there will be more time to analyse this over the coming weeks.

Extra-Time: Luke Bateman leaves the Raiders

An emotional Luke Bateman has announced that he’s left the Raiders. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.


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Itโ€™s with great sadness I announce Iโ€™m leaving the raiders. I signed with the raiders as a teenager and moved to canberra when I was a naive 17 year old. Theyโ€™ve been a huge part of my life and have helped shaped the man I am today and I canโ€™t thank the club enough for what theyโ€™ve done for me over the years. Ive enjoyed every moment I got to spend at the club and the boys I got to train and play beside. Iโ€™ve met some unbelievable people over my time here and Iโ€™ve made friends and memories that Iโ€™ll have with me for life. Now I look forward to getting home to my family and starting a new chapter of my life #328

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Matt Pritchard
Administrator and Editor of NothingButLeague. Penrith Panthers Member 13120. Email: mattp@nothingbutleague.com.


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