The fake news that’s actually fake.

In a shocking backflip, the NRL will scrap the at-times controversial ‘Six Again’ rule after less than two seasons.

From 2022, the ‘Six Again’ rule will be replaced by a variation of rugby union’s ‘Advantage’ rule; it will be trialled in selected games during the last three rounds of 2021.

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Peter V’landys explained the new rule.

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“When an attacking team gets a penalty, the tackle count will reset, also known as a ‘Free Set’. Once the ‘Free Set’ ends, either through the end of the tackle count or an error, then the referee will go back to the original infringement, with the attacking team to keep any metres gained during the ‘Free Set.’ From there, everyone can take a breather, and the attacking team can decide whether to kick for touch for a new set or kick for penalty goal. However, if a try is scored off the ‘Free Set’, then that overrides the previous penalty. If the defending team infringes again during the ‘Free Set’, then the attacking team gets a new ‘Free Set’ until play stops naturally and we go back to the original penalty.”

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Serial grump Buzz Rothfield is dead against the idea. “Just like the ‘Six Again’ rule, smart teams will find a loophole. V’landys in on a quest to make the game as complicated as possible by blatantly stealing from rugby union, which you need a bloody PhD to understand and can’t play unless you went to private school!”

V’landys ignored this criticism and hopes the new rule will encourage enterprising footy.

“The beauty of the ‘Free Set’ is attacking teams have literately nothing to lose, so they can put on elaborate set plays, and play some champagne footy. Mark my words, we’re going to see so many more amazing tries now.”

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The Forward Pass is a fictional and deliberately ridiculous look at the NRL. References to real people is for satirical purposes only. Check it out on Twitter @thefwdpass

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Andrew Pelechaty
Deputy Sports Editor for the Australian Times Weekly