Mark Tramby is a mad Sea Eagles supporter. ย His son in law Mick Colbran a huge Panthers fan.

Mark and Mick have been a regular at our Brisbane events over the years. ย I spoke to Mark last year at Hotel LA before our clash with the Broncos.

Mark got in contact withย QLDPanthersย this week about Mick’s health.

Sadly, Mick who follows the Panthers from his home in Moree has been battling cancer for the last three years.

Just last week Mark received the news that Mick, aged 38, had 6-9 months to live. The cancer movingย from his bowel to his liver, and is now in his lungs.

Mick is married to Mark’s beautiful daughter Alice, and they have two little boys, Tom (7) and Sam (5).

Like most, Mick has a mortgage and not much money, what they had has been used fighting this deadly disease for 3 years.

They desperately want them to have some “special experiences” as a family before he goes (yes we have contacted the club), and are trying to raise some funds for them to have a special family holiday before he passes away.

A fundraiser has been created on the “my cause” website to raise this, the link is at the bottom, please at least have a look, read the story and do what you can, even $10 helps.

You’ll note (if you click on and read the donations messages) that there’s lots of money coming in from Sea Eagles fans, Mark being one of those as a long standing member of the Silvertails site.

They are receiving support from the Bulldogs (The Kennel) picked this up and have also started to donate.

Everyone’s generosity is amazing, as a family we are blown away……Mick and Alice are reading the comments and are finding them very inspiring.

Mark assures us that his beloved Manly will take good care of Lewi Brown and Api K for us!!

As at 24/1/2016

Raised $12,750
Goalย $20,000

To donate:ย

All information above has been offered at the request of Mark Tramby.

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